Page mostly completed!


  • New improvements to the page!
  • Demo will be available by the end of the year
  • The old concept trailer will be released
  • The official trailer is being worked on
  • Official trailer will be released alongside the demo
  • The game is getting a visual overhaul with sprites, animation, locations, etc


In other news, I and my team have been diligently writing and working on the full game underneath the hood. We've mainly been stressing about the quality of our writing, mainly because the promise of it being a "Story-rich" game is quite a high bar to set for anyone! Of course with any project, there is constant change and improvement in the quality, most of the screenshots provided right now are completely different than how they've been improved in the last couple of weeks, hell even months. There's no telling how far back the history of this game has gone back...I started working on this game when I was younger, about 4-5 years ago. The game has never been in a better spot than where it is, partially because of personal issues and self-doubt that I had that held this game back from being seen. 

I was told that making a game was a ludicrous or even downright insane project that I never would follow through on...However, it was sorely wrong, as the past year and a half have proven this theory wrong! 


Me and my team have been working on our writing for the past couple of months, and have felt the last stretch of writing is about to dawn on all of us. This is unfortunately true for us, we have reached the 60-70 percent mark when it comes to how things are doing in the writing department. This can be a bit scary but I think we got the hang of it, rest assured you will get this game eventually. Let's shift our focus to Henry, the main character!

"Henry is one of those characters that I have to be careful with, he’s a fun character to write, Yes he can be very comedic. However when it comes to the seriousness of his mental state…I struggle to write him, the only reason being...Henry is becoming more like me every single second, he represents some of the mental struggles I had and still have to this day. There's no telling how far his journey will go until we are finished writing, Henry also isn't just a silent protagonist. He is the least talkative but his writing is shown through writing and the other characters reacting to the situation alongside him. It is fair to keep in mind that this is also a journey of healing from trauma, from making a family even if they aren't your blood."

Wrapping this up has been a bit hard as I hate goodbyes, but I digress! Remember everyone! Making a video game is one thing but making an experience is a whole other field...

-Salutations from GlitchMarsStudios!

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